How to tee up a golf ball
with the RecTeeFier

Launch pad aiming
at the green

Magnus effect correction

In order to lower your handicap, you may select to improve your drive by fixing a slice/hook.

A slice or a hook is caused by the rotation of the ball on its vertical axis (side spinning). The rotational motion of a sphere creates a pressure differential between each side of that sphere. In golf the result is a curved trajectory of your ball as it is pushed yards off the centre line by the pressure differential. This phenomenon is called the Magnus Effect. The same Magnus Effect is used by baseball pitchers to control the trajectory of their ball.

Once hit by the driver, the ball slides on the RecTeeFier launch pad for a few milliseconds thus generating a slight friction. The result is that a portion of the energy aiming at initiating side spinning of the ball is redirected towards its back spin. Robotic testing revealed a 15% increase of the backspin when the RecTeeFier is used versus regular tees. In most cases this provides extra yards to your drive.


Optimum launch angle will give maximum yards to your drive . This important aspect of the game was taken into consideration when designing the RecTeeFier. Different launch angles were evaluated when robotic tests were conducted on this special golf tee in San Diego CA.

engineered elastomer

The head of the RecTeeFier is made of an elastomer specifically engineered to reduce the side spinning of the ball thereby helping you improve your drive by correcting a slice or a hook. A portion of the ball’s inertia is captured by the RecTeeFier and returned to the ball. The secret lies with the slight friction generated between the ball and the launch pad. In order to select the perfect elastomer for the task, different materials were tested until the right “level of friction” was obtained.


For those unfamiliar with the game, a slice implies that the ball is moving from the left to the right for right-handed golfers. When moving from the right to the left it is called a hook. For left-handed it is the opposite.

Our goal is to help golfers who may be looking for an easy way of fixing a slice/hook. It is important for us that the RecTeeFier be ambidextrous.

maximum color contrast
Easy to locate!

Eliminating a slice in golf (or a hook) is hard work and losing that special golf tee that helped you achieve your goal is the last thing you want to happen. To render the RecTeeFier easy to locate on the green grass we made the stem portion white for maximum colour contrast.

impact resistant polymer

The stem portion of the RecTeeFier is made of an impact resistant polymer (PC) which makes it impossible to break under normal conditions. It is the same material used to manufacture motorcycle windshield.